Welcome to my blog!
A misty, watery scene in the Forest of Dean. © T. S. Clark (2023)
I am launching this website as a rebranding of myself, Tommy Sullaman Clark, and my photographic art. I have long been passionate about forests, ever since childhood, and I have been working with or studying images my entire adult life. Since starting my Master’s degree in photography at the University of Gloucestershire in 2020, I have specialised in producing images of woodland environments. I believe trees hold great importance to us, and indeed to life on planet Earth as a whole. They mitigate climate change, offer the most biodiverse environments on land, make us feel happier, and provide the oxygen that we and many other creatures need to survive. My work is my homage to them.
For now, this blog is primarily to document my research for my MA Photography final project. However, it may be of interest to anyone wishing to understand the influences behind my art, and it could even lead you to something new that you might find as interesting as I did! As I continue this blog after my degree, as I plan to with my art project, I will post any major new discoveries here, as well as any significant updates or news regarding my work. I have no plans whatsoever to post useless filler or spam on here, so if my work interests you, please feel assured that your subscription to this blog will not be abused, and your details will not be shared with anyone. If I post anything regarding affiliate links or other similar monetisation like advertising, I will notify so, and would only ever recommend things I passionately believe in myself. But that’s for a later announcement! For the time being, this will be purely a research blog.
Thank you for reading!